Single Sofa in India; Linen Fabric Stainless Steel Body Height Adjustment

Single Sofa in India; Linen Fabric Stainless Steel Body Height Adjustment

The Single sofa in India has a very attractive design and high quality; compared to other sofas, this sofa has many different sizes and models

Single Sofa in India

Single sofa in India has different designs and dimensions and any of these designs and dimensions will have different features

The standard dimensions of this sofa are between 50 and 89 cm, which is slightly larger than other sofas

The single sofa has a very attractive and high-quality design and the materials used in the construction of this sofa are of higher quality than other sofas

A single sofa can withstand up to 124 kg of weight due to its strong body and the legs of this sofa are made of iron and bamboo wood

This product is widely exported to developed countries

Finally, this sofa was produced and sold in India in 2020

 Single Sofa in India; Linen Fabric Stainless Steel Body Height Adjustment

Single Sofa Features in India

The Single sofa in India has many different features and facilities, we will discuss these features and facilities in the following, just stay with us:

Soft and flexible top

The top of this sofa is made of linen fabric and is very soft, but it may get dirty quickly if used continuously


Up to 124 KG of Weight

The Body
Stainless Steel

Made Of
Linen Fabric

Water, Humidity, Tearing, Scratching

Also, the top of this sofa is resistant to water and humidity and you can wash it if it gets dirty

Resistant to tearing and scratching

The body of the Single sofa is made of steel, therefore it is highly resistant to scratches and its top is also resistant to tearing

In addition to the above feature, this sofa has a height adjustment jack and you can increase or decrease the height of the sofa with a lever

 Single Sofa in India; Linen Fabric Stainless Steel Body Height Adjustment

Buy Single Sofa in India

To buy a Single sofa in India, you should pay attention to some points in order to make a better and more suitable choice, we will refer to these points below:

While buying a sofa, be sure to pay attention to the height adjustment jack because it must work correctly, if not, avoid buying

It is better to pay attention to the material of the sofa when buying a single sofa because it must be made of stainless steel, if it is not, it is recommended not to buy it

It is recommended to go shopping with a family member or friend for a better and more suitable purchase because they will guide you in shopping

 Single Sofa in India; Linen Fabric Stainless Steel Body Height Adjustment

Single Sofa Price in India + Buy and Sell

The price of a Single sofa in India depends on many factors, one of the most important factors is the size and design, which have a direct impact on the price

The price of this sofa is between 43 and 84 dollars, the largest size with more features is 84 dollars and the smallest and the least features are 43 dollars

It is expected that the price of this sofa will fluctuate in the coming months

We will mention the factors of this fluctuation in the following:

Abundance or reduction of this product
Reducing the quality of sofa material
Dollar price and currencies

Due to the monthly price change of this product, it is recommended to contact our experts or supporters to provide you with the final price

 Single Sofa in India; Linen Fabric Stainless Steel Body Height Adjustment

The Answer to Two Questions About Single Sofa

1: Is Single Sofa resistant to scratches?
The body of the Single sofa is made of steel, therefore it is highly resistant to scratches

2: Does Single Sofa can be adjusting?
This sofa has a height adjustment jack and you can increase or decrease the height

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